Jubaland President to Visit Gedo Region, Former Official Says

Jubaland president

MOGADISHU (Somaliguardian) – President of southern Somalia’s semi-autonomous region of Jubaland Ahmed Mohamed Islam is due to visit Gedo, months after troops loyal to the federal government took over the region amid ongoing efforts to hold Lower House of Parliament elections, a former regional official said on Sunday.

The former governor of Gedo region Osman Nour Haji (Moalimu) did not specify date for the visit of Jubaland leader Ahmed Madobe whose forces and troops loyal to Somalia’s incumbent president clashed several times in the region last year and at the beginning of this year.

“Ahmed Mohamed Islam will arrive in Gedo and he wants to inspect the region,” the former regional governor said.

The region has been at the epicenter of election dispute last year which led regional presidents and the federal leaders to walk out of talks designed to break deadlock over the country’s long-delayed polls.

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