Somali PM Holds Talks with Opposition Amid Renewed Election Dispute

Somali PM and opposition leaders

MOGADISHU (Somaliguardian) – Somali prime minister Mohamed Hussein Roble on Monday held talks with members of the Council of Presidential Candidates, a conglomerate of opposition parties to discuss renewed dispute and tensions surfaced following an agreement by the National Consultative Council on a crucial procedure for the upcoming polls.

The opposition presidential candidates shared with the PM recommendations that could be used to improve “the NCC’s recent election guidelines issued by NCC to move ahead”, a spokesman for the government Mohamed Ibrahim Moalimu said.

Talks have come days after the opposition rejected the outcome of meeting between the prime minister and regional presidents and called a procedure for the Lower House of parliament elections agreed during the conference as unconstitutional.

Somali PM Mohamed Hussein Roble and opposition leaders agreed to pursue talks and hold follow-up meetings to discuss ways to hold the long-delayed polls while addressing concerns raised by some of the country’s political stakeholders.

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